If you wish to visit Russia and come across a travel website that proclaims “If this is your first visit to the Moscow, you are welcome to it” you might be initially bemused at the generosity. Afterwards, you might actually cringe at the thought such a poor translation error might find its way to your business’ website or to any office documents your business issues. Errors in document translating are funny when they happen to someone else. You definitely would not want to see such disastrous errors occur in your business.
Why do mistakes in business translations happen? Most commonly, the business hired a freelance translator who may have a decent understanding of the language but is far from an experienced translator. Understanding the conversational aspects of a language is one thing. Possessing a deep level of fluency would be another.
Then there are those marketing translations that are performed by a computer program. The programs are notoriously hit or miss with far more misses and mistranslations that hits. Through these programs, we get such gems as “Our menus leaves you with nothing to hope for” or “We promise to execute customers as quickly as possible.”
How can you be sure that your marketing translations are free of such errors and maintain the highest level of professionalism? The answer is very simple. Business owners and managers need to procure the help of legitimate business translation services to handle the tasks. Such established services hire experienced and qualified professionals who are more than capable of properly translating your documents. Even when the order is requested to be expedited, the potential for errors is extremely low. Again, this is because legitimate professionals will be handling the tasks requested. This is the main benefit of working with reputable business translation services.
Modern business requires certain professional services including an attorney or law firm, accountant, and if you are in a international business, a translation service.