Category: internet marketing

The Yellow Pages are Dead!

Dead I tell you. They have tried to revive their business model with and offer online directory listings and search engine optimization services. Probelm is, they are not very good at it. Read More

SEO Basics for Business

Whether you’re learning about SEO yourself or you’re hiring a consultant to handle the work for you, it’s helpful to understand some of the basic terms of the industry. Here are some of the most commonly-used terms:
Keywords are the words that people type when they’re searching online. Some keywords will obviously have more competition than others, so it’s important to pick the most effective keywords for your product or service.
Keyword Research
You need to find out what words people use in searching for your product or service. Research is vital and must come before you even start thinking about site content.

Keyword Density
Keywords are important, but so is the way you use them. If you’re stuffing your pages with too many, you may be blacklisted by search engines. Keyword density refers to the amount of keywords contained on each page. Read More